#7D4H - Guest Blogger Rose Warfield #MentalHealth

Title: Bookmarks for May: Mental Health Awareness Month

Meet Rose Warfield, a fifth grade student from Grafton, MA. Rose created artwork that was selected by Alternatives, an organization that works with people with disabilities, to be featured on bookmarks for Mental Health Awareness Month.  

On the back of Rose's snazzy bookmark are the following 9 Tips for a Healthy Mind:

1. Get regular exercise - for your body and your mind

2. Eat a balanced diet. Enjoy a little of the junk and lots of the good stuff

3. Give yourself a break - No one is perfect

4. Take the time to build friendships

5. Help others

6. Get enough sleep

7. Set aside time to relax every day - even 10-20 minutes can make a big difference

8. Celebrate your achievements and reward yourself

9. Tell someone if you are feeling down or stressed

Mental Health America posted this awesome informative video about Mental Health. In honor of Mental Health Awareness Month, we are sharing it with you! Enjoy!

Call to action: Do you have important information around one of our seven causes: HIV/AIDS, Mental Health, Nutrition, Heart Disease, Maternal Child Health, Cancer, Disability, that you want to share with a wider audience? Do you or a loved one currently live and/or struggle with one of these causes? Do you work in research, advocacy, prevention, treatment or care? We want to hear from YOU! Write to us today: 7dresses@artsconnectinternational.org to become a featured blog writer. Another way to get involved is to wear the color of the day in solidarity. Take a picture of yourself in the color of the day and Tweet it @ArtsConnectInt, tag us on Instagram @ArtsConnectInt, or send it to us on Facebook.   

About 7 Dresses 4 Health (7D4H): 7D4H is a year-long arts and health education campaign lead by visual artist, Marian Brown, in conjunction with Arts Connect International. The objective of the campaign is to promote inclusive community practices through adDRESSing health artistically and collaboratively. To learn more about the genesis of the project, read Marian’s New Year Blog

About this week's look & location: All of the dresses for 7 Dresses 4 Health were designed and sewn by Kim's Fashion Design. Love the look? Visit Kim at 100 Huntington Ave, Boston MA 02116, call her at (617) 267-9299 or email her: info@kimsfashion.com. Mention 7 Dresses 4 Health for a special discount! 

Campaign Update (2017): All 7 Dresses 4 Health blogs were migrated from a former site, so the sharing analytics are inconsistent from when they were first published. We apologize to our guest bloggers, and readers, for this inconvenience. That said, the campaign garnered an average of 5K hits per blog, over 500,000 readers throughout 2015! Additionally, the average number of shares per guest blog was over 150x on social media (through Facebook and Twitter). Thank you for making this incredible campaign possible - and for all that it was for so many. With gratitude, Marian & the ACI Team